Während der 49. UN Menschenrechtsratsitzung äußerte sich WUC Präsident, Dolkun Isa, sehr besorgt über den anhaltenden Völkermord der Chinesischen Regierung an den Uiguren.Er wies auch auf das harte Vorgehen der Chinesischen Regierung gegen uigurische Aktivisten im Ausland hin.
Mr President,
I am speaking on behalf of the Global Human Rights Defence.
It is with increased worry that we observe the rapid escalation of human rights in the Uyghur Region. The scale and nature of these violations amount to crimes against humanity and genocide, and therefore requires the immediate and urgent attention of this Council.
For over three years, human rights organisations and various UN experts have been consistently raising alarms on the brutal crimes committed by the Government of the People’s Republic of China against the Uyghur and Turkic people.
As a Uyghur human rights defender, I have faced great challenges. In the past five years alone, I have learned about the death of my mother in a camp, the death of my father in unknown circumstances, the life sentence of my younger brother as well as the long-term sentence of my older brother.
Since 2017, like any Uyghur in exile,I have lost all means of communication with my relatives in my homeland. The right to communicate freely with family and friends is a basic right.
Our ask is very simple: accountability. Perpetrators of such crimes must not believe that they can carry on with impunity.
This starts with the publication of the report on the Uyghur situation by the High Commissioner.
Thank you.